“Müstəqilliyimiz əbədidir, daimidir, dönməzdir”
Resumption of Azerbaijan Republic Nationality

The recovery of the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan is regulated by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated September 30, 1998, the Regulation “on the Rules for Examination and Settlement of  Republic of Azerbaijan Citizenship Issues” approved by Decree 189 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on  August 30, 1999.

The recovery of the AR citizenship is carried out at the request of a person and in the manner prescribed by law.

To restore the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan, individuals residing in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan should submit a written request (for the application form see annex 3) addressed to the AR President to the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan, while those living abroad can apply to the Embassy or the Consulate General of the Republic of Azerbaijan accredited in the country of their residence.  

An Individual who used to enjoy AR nationality or the one who lost AR citizenship can restore it at his/her own request.

The following documents are essential in this regard:

  • a written request addressed to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
  • four 3x4 photos;
  • an ID copy (a document proving your identity);
  • AIDS test results and a health certificate
  • a receipt proving payment ( 60 US$ ) of state duties. (The issue of payment of the corresponding state duties by a person applying for the restoration of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijanis regulated by the RA Law on State Duties.)

Documents on resumption of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan received by RA diplomatic missions and consular offices abroad are sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs sends them to the State Security Service, the Foreign Intelligence Service and the Ministry of Interior for consideration. The documents sent to the State Security Service, the Foreign Intelligence Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs are returned with enclosed conclusions to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Citizenship requests are reviewed by each of the government authorities within a period of 1 month. After issuing a reasoned opinion, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sends the collected materials to the RA Presidential Administration for consideration by the Commission on Citizenship Issues under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

A decision on restoration of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan is made in compliance with paragraph 20 of Article 109 of the RA Constitution.

The State Migration Service sends a nationality resumption request with an enclosed feedback received from the State Security Service, the Foreign Intelligence Service, and the Ministry Internal Affairs to the Presidential Administration if an applicant calls for forcible change of the polity established by the  RA Constitution; or if he/she advocates for violation of territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan; or engaged in activities undermining national security, public order, health, morality; promotes ideas of racial, religious, or ethnic superiority; or engaged in terrorist activities.  The Board of Ministries usually declines the request based on the submitted information. Either the State Migration Service or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs notifies an applicant in writing about the outcome of the review of requests for resumption and renunciation of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

A person who has been restored to the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan and has reached the age of 14 takes an oath of allegiance to the Republic of Azerbaijan in the state language of the Republic of Azerbaijan in accordance with the letter of the Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The oath is solemnly performed in front of the State flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan with the laying of one hand on the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

A citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan taking the oath signs the text of the oath, and this document is kept in the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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