“Müstəqilliyimiz əbədidir, daimidir, dönməzdir”
Renunciation of Citizenship of the Azerbaijan Republic

Renunciation of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan is regulated by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan of September 30, 1998, Regulations on consideration of issues of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan their permission approved by the Presidential Decree 189 of the Azerbaijan on August 30, 1999.

Renunciation of RA citizenship is carried out at the request of a person following the procedure determined by Law. Citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan willing  to renounce citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan should address to the State Migration Service of the  Republic of Azerbaijan with a request addressed to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (approved sample of it. See Annex 2) if they reside in the territory of Azerbaijan or to the diplomatic missions or consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the country of their residence if they reside abroad. 

The following documents should be attached to the application:

  • four 3x4 photos;
  • relevant documents on absence of any outstanding liabilities to
  • the State or any property obligations, which are connected with vital interests
  • of physical persons and legal entities of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
  • a letter of guarantee, including its translation into state official language of
  • the Republic of Azerbaijan, issued by the country citizenship of which will be acquired;
  • a copy of an identity card of an applicant;
  • a receipt proving payment (60 US $) of state duties (payment of the relevant
  • State duties by the person applying for renunciation of the citizenship of the
  • Republic of Azerbaijan is regulated by the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic on the State Duties).

A child (under the age of 18) may renounce citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan upon application of a parent whose citizenship has been terminated or with consent of a parent who remains a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan. If a citizenship is of one of the parents is   terminated, a child adopted by foreigners who is the citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan may renounce his/her citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan upon application of the child’s parent or his/her foreign foster parents.

The following document should be attached to an application addressed to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan:

  • copies of documents proving citizenship of parents (adoptive parents, guardians, trustees);
  • copies of documents on adoption, guardianship, trusteeship;
  • notarized consent of a parent (an adoptive parent, a stateless person or a child of 14-18 years of age);
  • four 3x4 photos;
  • a letter of guarantee, including its translation into state official language of the Republic of Azerbaijan, issued by the country citizenship of which will be acquired;
  • a copy of the child’s birth certificate.

The documents on renunciation from the citizenship of the Republic Azerbaijan submitted to the diplomatic representations or consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan is sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs sends copies of the documents to the State Security Service, the Foreign Intelligence Service, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs for consideration. The documents submitted to the State Security Service, the Foreign Intelligence Service, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs are returned with enclosed conclusions to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.   Requests on citizenship issues are reviewed by each of the government authorities within 1 month. After issuing a reasoned decision, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sends the collected materials to the Commission on Citizenship Issues under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for consideration. 

A decision on renunciation of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan is made in compliance with the paragraph 20 of Article 109 of the RA Constitution.

Renunciation from the citizenship of the Azerbaijan Republic can be denied by the Commission on Citizenship Issues under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan if a person requesting renunciation has commitments to his/her State or has property obligations related to the interests of legal and physical entities of the Republic of Azerbaijan. 

Renunciation from citizenship is not allowed if a person applying for the renunciation from citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan, has been held criminally responsible or if there is a valid court judgement to be executed pertaining to this person or if renunciation from RA citizenship by a person conflicts the State security interests of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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