“Müstəqilliyimiz əbədidir, daimidir, dönməzdir”
Extension of temporary stay of foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan

In accordance with the Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a decision on the extension of temporary stay of foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan is an official document empowering foreigners and stateless persons to temporary stay in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Foreigners and stateless persons, who have extended their temporary stay in the Republic of Azerbaijan can exercise their right to leave the country by submitting their passports or other documents allowing to cross the border including approval by the authorities on the extension of temporary stay.

A temporary stay period for a foreigner or a stateless person in the Republic of Azerbaijan may be extended on the basis of an application of his/her parents or his/her legitimate representatives up to  60 days.

A temporary stay period for a foreigner and a stateless person under 18 in the Republic of Azerbaijan may be extended on the basis of an application of his/her parents or his/her legitimate representative.

Foreigners and stateless persons have to apply to an appropriate authority of the executive power by submitting documents required for the extension of a temporary stay at least 3 days prior to the end of a temporary stay period (except cases of emergency stop during transit).

A relevant decision on an application of foreigners and stateless persons on the extension of temporary stay in the Republic of Azerbaijan is made within 3 business days.

A foreigner or a stateless person whose application for the extension of a temporary stay is rejected should leave the country before the expiration of the temporary stay.

If a temporary stay period of a foreigner or a stateless person in the Republic of Azerbaijan is expired during a period of consideration of an application, he/she has to leave the territory of the country within 48 hours from the moment of receiving a decision on rejection.

In accordance with the Presidential Decree N 69, dated March 04, 2009 “On the application of a “single window” principle for the management of a migration process”, a “single window” principle was applied in the Republic of Azerbaijan since July 1, 2009. State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan (www.migration.gov.az) implements the authority of a single state body on this principle.

I.e. extension of a temporary stay period for foreigners or stateless persons visiting the Republic of Azerbaijan; issuance of permissions to foreigners and stateless persons for temporary and permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan; registration of people allowed to temporary stay and to reside in the Republic of Azerbaijan and other functions are performed by the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan carries out the registration, visa issuance, extension of a temporary stay period in the Republic of Azerbaijan for the following category of people:

  • Members of staff of diplomatic missions and consulates of foreign countries, representations of international organizations functioning in the Republic of Azerbaijan and their family members;
  • Members of the technical service staff of diplomatic missions and consulates of foreign countries, representations of international organizations functioning in the Republic of Azerbaijan and their family members;
  • Foreigners and stateless persons visiting the Republic of Azerbaijan for a diplomatic or a special purpose stipulated by international agreements supported by the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Attention! Foreigners or stateless persons temporarily residing in the Republic of Azerbaijan more than 15 days must be registered at the place of residence.

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