“Müstəqilliyimiz əbədidir, daimidir, dönməzdir”
Exemption from visa fees

In accordance with article 17.2 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 2001 “On State fee” the following category foreigners and stateless persons visiting the Republic of Azerbaijan are exempted from state fee:

 Members of government representation and official persons;

  • Representatives of international humanitarian organizations in the Republic of Azerbaijan;
  • Studying and engaging in teaching activities with government support;
  • Traveling with defense line.

Citizens of the following countries are issued visas free of charge.

  1. For citizens holding an ordinary passport of Japan within 30 days;
  2. For citizens holding an ordinary passport of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan within 15 days.

In accordance with article 6 of the Agreement between the Republic of Azerbaijan and European Union “On facilitation of the issuance of visas”, duties for processing visa applications are applied in the following way:

  1. The fee for processing visa applications is EURO 35. The abovementioned amount may be reviewed again in accordance with a procedure stipulated in article 14 (4).
  2. Without prejudice to the 3rd paragraph, the following persons are exempted from the visa application processing fee:
  • Close relatives – husband or wife, children (including adopted children), parent (including guardians), grandpas, grandmothers and grandchildren of the citizens of European Union legally living in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan or the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan legally living at Member States or the citizens of European Union living in the territory of Member State the citizen of which they are or the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan living in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
  • Members of an official delegation, as well as permanent members participating in official meetings, consultations, negotiations or exchange programs, as well as events organized in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan or one of Member States, with the invitation sent to Member States, European Union or the Republic of Azerbaijan;
  • Pupils, students, doctorates and accompanying teachers traveling for exchange programs, as well as education and teaching courses and other school-related activities;
  • People with disabilities and when necessary persons accompanying them;
  • Participators of international sports events and persons professionally accompanying them;
  • People participating in cultural and art events including university and other exchange programs;
  • People submitting documents confirming the necessity of their travel, including urgent medical treatment, to participate at the funeral of a close relative and visit a close relative who is seriously ill and persons accompanying them;
  • Representatives of civil society organizations traveling for educational courses, seminars, conferences including exchange programs;
  • Pensioners;
  • Children under 12 years old;
  • Journalists and technical staff professionally accompanying them.
  1. When the Member States or the Republic of Azerbaijan cooperates with third party contractors for visa issuance, the third party contractor can charge fee for its services. This fee has to be proportionate to expenditures of third party contractors and must not be over than EURO 30. Member States and the Republic of Azerbaijan should provide the applicant with a right to send their applications directly to their consulates.

Third-party contractor executes its operations for a Union in accordance with Visa Code and fully observing legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Third-party contractor executes its operations for the Republic of Azerbaijan in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Member States.

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