Consular Service and Visa
Consular Service and Visa
Visa processing rules
- Foreigner and a stateless person should apply for visa personally or through his/her representative to the diplomatic representations and consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the country that he/she lives or in the third country.
- Foreigners and stateless persons can get a visa in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the cases stipulated by the relevant executive government authority.
- Visa application can be done through an electronic application form.
- List of documents required for the visa issuance, form of the application-questionnaire, information on the amount and payment of the state fee, as well as the information regarding the visa issuance to foreigners and stateless persons who are living in the countries with no diplomatic missions and consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan can be found on the official web sites of the relevant executive government authority, official web sites of the diplomatic representations and consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan and information boards located in front of their buildings which can be clearly seen.
- Visa issuance is done by the “Entry-Exit and Registration” Interagency Automated Data-Search System.
- Visa application of foreigners and stateless persons is considered no later than fifteen days from the date of application and within two working days at the latest in the cases stipulated by the relevant executive government authority, as well as if the travel of foreigners and stateless persons is due to urgent treatment or severe illness or death (by the submission of the document confirming these facts) of a close relative living in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
- The information is entered to the “Entry-Exit and Registration” Interagency Automated Data-Search System and confirmed with the enhanced electronic signature after checking of the accuracy of the visa application form and completeness of the required documents by the diplomatic representation or consulate.
- The accuracy and completeness of the information is checked by the relevant executive government authority, compared with the restriction lists of the “Entry-Exit and Registration” Interagency Automated Data-Search System, obtained opinion of the relevant executive government authority for the purpose of compliance and the final opinion is sent to the diplomatic mission or consulate depending on the results of these processes while considering the visa issuance.
- In the case of visa application acceptance diplomatic representation or consulate provides individualization, issuance, and registration of the visa form.
- The visa application will be rejected and the previously issued visa will be canceled in the cases stipulated in article 16.1 of the Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Repeated application will be considered after the elimination of the factors causing refusal.
- According to the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan foreigners and stateless persons can complain administratively and/or apply to the court due to procrastination during the visa issuance process or visa refusal.
- Issuance of electronic visas to foreigners and stateless persons arriving in the Republic of Azerbaijan is regulated with article 38 of the Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Attention! Foreigners or stateless persons temporarily residing in the Republic of Azerbaijan more than 15 days should be registered at the place of residence.