Visa fee rates required for visa issuance and their payment procedures
- In accordance with articles 16.1.6 and 16.1.7 of Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on “State fee”, foreigners and stateless persons visiting the Republic of Azerbaijan are charged state fee for visa issuance at the following rates:
Single entry visa – USD 20
Multiple entry visas – USD 350
Transit visas – USD 20
Attention! Foreigners and stateless persons visiting the Republic of Azerbaijan in a group are charged state fee individually for visa issuance.
Paying address:
Konsulines Paslaugos
Saskaitos pavadinimas: Azerbaidzano Respublikos Ambasada
SWEDBANK Saskaitos №: LT757300010116334104
Attention! In case of visa refusal visa fee paid by an applicant is non-refundable.
Note: in accordance with article 4.8 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On State fee”, when international treaties which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party to determine different provisions about duties from that of stipulated by this Law or by regulatory legal acts, then provisions of that international treaty must be applied.